Blue Star Engineering & Electronics Limited
Employees at Blue Star come from various walks of life. This mix of people provides a rich mix of diversity in all its aspects; be it geography, ethnicity, language, gender, religion, caste or creed. We believe in the value of every employee’s unique identity, background and experience.
Our culture is the foundation of our passion & success. We believe that excellence is not a destination but a journey of continuous improvements. We keenly promote an open culture. We encourage feedback and actively transforming it in to action.
Growth prospects are aplenty. With a fast and expansive growth, the opportunities for individual growth and betterment are endless. Training, personal development and technological upgradation are constant processes at the Company.
A job at Blue Star Engineering & Electronics Ltd isn’t just about a career. It inculcates in the employee a whole new way of life.
Good Life begins with A Good Company.
We encourage our employees to play a central role by indulging in innovation, leading teams, driving projects, thinking strategically and inspiring others.
People, Processes and Practices are the three cornerstones of the Blue Star Engineering & Electronics Ltd pursuit towards excellence.
Blue Star Engineering & Electronics Ltd. believes in being completely business & employee oriented, thereby touching lives and making a difference to employees, stakeholders, customers and partners alike. We ensure that career progression & career enrichment remain the focus of an employee’s journey all throughout.
To fulfil our employee’s potential, we give them the flexibility, stimulation and opportunities to keep inspired and engaged.
Blue Star’s HR Bot – Starry is a personal, always ready-to-help assistant to its employees. Starry recognises the employees based on their personal profile and answers their queries with respect to employees’ entitlements. Starry has successfully assisted employees in their attendance management, office and guest house addresses along with google map links, a quick GST references of the locations and branch manager details of the Company’s 32 offices. While Starry was meeting the employee expectations of the HR Team, the Covid-19 pandemic stuck the globe and Blue Star was no exception to its all-pervasive effect. With the business environment becoming increasingly volatile in a never-before experienced, uncertain personal and professional ecosystems, the need of this changed environment was to constantly keep up the morale and motivation of employees. The HR team felt a strong requirement to have an ongoing, robust medium of communication which was not only instantaneous but also able to effectively connect multiple employees simultaneously. Starry rose to the occasion once gain with the partnership of HR and IT by taking on the mandate that employees are connected and supported with just a couple of clicks vide a customized technology solutions.
BWell– a holistic wellness platform for Blue Starites, developed in association with RoundGlass which holds expertise in technology-based programs for wellbeing of individuals and communities.
BWell comprises a technology-driven, self-care portal wherein expert health coaching is made available on a click to achieve one’s physical as well as mental health goals.
With the current restricted environment due to the pandemic; the new hybrid way of working, spending more time indoors, no gym time, zero social events, etc. continue to add to our mental stress. Definitely, the need to consult mental health experts is on the rise as many of us face anxiety, mood swings, disturbed sleep cycle, etc. In fact, an Assocham study suggested that 42% of working professionals in the private sector suffer from anxiety and other mental ailments. This is a need we also aim to address through this portal since employees can benefit from consultations in confidence.