Educational institutions, especially engineering colleges and polytechnics, need a wide range of equipment to learn and apply various testing techniques to understand physical testing concepts. Similarly, research institutes and laboratories need testing equipment as part of their development processes.
Blue Star E&E offers machines to laboratories in almost all disciplines of engineering – Civil, Mechanical, Production, Industrial being the main users – to help students learn testing principles and understand testing methods. R&D institutes across the country too use machines from us as a part of their test and development process. Machines installed in such institutes are used for various purposes, such as tensile testing, compression testing, toughness testing, non-destructive testing, metrology, and automation.
The discovery, creation or invention of new materials, alloys, etc, has been one of the main reasons for the development of humanity and the progress that we see in various fields. Material Sciences is therefore an important subject of learning and research in most institutions. Material testing is an integral part of such materials sciences. Industries too turn to research centres and universities to conduct studies to understand various materials and their applications better.
Blue Star E&E supplies the whole gamut of material testing equipment to such institutes to help them in their search for better-performing materials for various applications. If you are planning to set up testing laboratories in different disciplines of your institute, call us for bespoke offerings that suit your needs and budgets.
Non-destructive testing or NDT is another subject that requires learning in engineering colleges and is useful for research in R&D institutes.
Blue Star E&E offers various machines with advanced nondestructive testing technologies, such as AE Testing, Advance Ultrasonic Testing, Eddy Current Array, etc, which replace conventional inspection solutions. Blue Star E&E also offers its services as a consultant to many research institutes and helps them establish NDT laboratories in their premises.
Students of engineering need exposure to modern-day testing equipment like 3D Scanners and inline sensors to make them prepared for Industry 4.0 requirements out there in the field. Research students can use these scanners to study their application areas and to improve their usage in the field.
Engineering students graduating these days need to be prepared for the vast strides that manufacturing is making across India, especially with the thrust on ‘Make in India’. With the advent of Industry 4.0 and the Smart Factory, robotics and industrial automation are the key technologies that engineers must be adept at to succeed in these modern factories.
As a leader in Robotics, Blue Star E&E is on a mission to contribute to the Skill India initiative of the Government. As such, we collaborate with institutions to set up an advanced centre of excellence in Robotics at each site, thus bringing latest concepts and technologies to the doorstep of our students.