If you are an Engineering Services provider, such as in metal fabrication services for example, your quality of work with metals is dependent to a large extent on the quality of the raw material as well as metal components that you may be outsourcing from your vendors. Flaws in metal can result in later failure of your end products and must therefore be checked for at an early stage, well before fabrication and assembly.
Blue Star E&E offers you excellent test equipment that can help you check the quality of your incoming metals so that metals or metal components with flaws can be isolated well before getting into your production line.
Depending upon the metals you work with, Blue Star E&E can suggest the right material testing equipment that helps you to examine the mechanical loading strength of the metal up to break point or up to a certain point of deformation. This helps you in evaluating your incoming material and choosing only the best quality sheets for your work.
Blue Star E&E has vast experience in material testing equipment, having supplied turnkey equipment to many major testing laboratories and institutions across the country and in the MEA region as well.
3D Scanning equipment help test your incoming material as well as your metal fabrication output to ensure that no flaws have slipped into the end product and that the quality of your delivery is as high as you expect it to be.
Blue Star E&E’s Portable CMM and 3D Scanners will suit your needs perfectly.