Blue Star Engineering & Electronics Limited

Successful Applicant Required

  • Education: CA Final
  • Experience: 0 to 3 years
  • Must Haves – Audits, MIS, SAP

Role & Responsibilities

  • Responsible for assistance in quarterly, half yearly and annual financial statements on a standalone basis as per Ind AS and complying with the relevant provisions of Companies Act
  • Preparation of quarterly financial statements and disclosures as required under Regulation 33 of the
  • SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation 2015
  • Coordinating with Statutory Auditors and managing regular audit requirements.
  • Ensure proper accounting of banking transactions, Forex, corporate expenses, income taxes, imports, warranty, inter-company transactions reconciliation and ensuring regular reconciliation of accounts
  • Carry out periodical reviews/scrutiny of general ledger balances of Corporate and maintaining accounting hygiene at the highest level.
  • Ensuring proper and accurate accounting through outsourced agency.

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    Please note - Blue Star E&E & its recruitment associates do not charge any applicant / candidate - any monetary or non-monetary return for evaluation or consideration of their candidature.